Management team

Led by qualified engineer Thomas Höbart, our team has been proving since 1981 that factors of the economy, social responsibility and competence are not mutually exclusive, but complement each other perfectly.

Both the management team and the 240 employees - whether disabled or otherwise - stop at nothing to give their best every day and meet the stringent internal demands in terms of product quality, advisory services and customer satisfaction.

from left to right:

Stefan Katholnig
Plant Management

Karl Mitterling
Accounting & Financial Controlling Management

DI Thomas Höbart
Managing Director

Ing. Markus Miklautz
Purchasing Management

Ing. Tamara Orasche-Sornig
Quality Management

Prok. DI (FH) Johann Schmiedmeier
Manager of Sales, Marketing, Work Planning

Group picture of the management team

Sales team

One face to the customer: second nature to us.

Prok. DI (FH) Johann Schmiedmeier

Manager of Sales, Marketing, Work Planning

Johann Schmiedmeier

Dipl.-Wirt.-Ing. (FH) Manuel Jelinek

Sales & Customer Care
Machining, Assemblies etc.
Team Leader Production Engineering

Thomas Miedl-Rissner

Sales & Customer Care
Plastics, Mechatronics etc.