Contact addresses

We look forward to your inquiry

Head office Klagenfurt

ABC Service & Produktion Integrativer Betrieb GmbH
Schülerweg 50
9020 Klagenfurt
Österreich | Austria

The headquarter of ABC in Klagenfurt

Location Villach

ABC Service & Produktion Integrativer Betrieb GmbH
Michael-Unterlercher-Straße 55
9523 Villach-Landskron
Österreich | Austria

The location of ABC in Villach

Location Wolfsberg

ABC Service & Produktion Integrativer Betrieb GmbH
Am Industriepark 9
9431 Wolfsberg
Österreich | Austria

The location of ABC in Wolfsberg

Sales team

One face to the customer: second nature to us.

Prok. DI (FH) Johann Schmiedmeier

Manager of Sales, Marketing, Work Planning

Phone +43 463 35 440-230
Mobile +43 664 51 36 465
Fax +43 463 35 440-18

Johann Schmiedmeier

Dipl.-Wirt.-Ing. (FH) Manuel Jelinek

Sales & Customer Care
Machining, Assemblies etc.
Team Leader Production Engineering

Phone +43 463 35 440-244
Mobile +43 664 15 73 595
Fax +43 463 35 440-18

Thomas Miedl-Rissner

Sales & Customer Care
Plastics, Mechatronics etc.

Phone. +43 463 35 440-238
Mobile +43 664 88 26 38 04
Fax +43 463 35 440-18